Getting Involved
No matter how old you are, where you live, or what you can give, you can help people living with disabilities, and you can start right now.
No matter how old you are, where you live, or what you can give, you can help people living with disabilities, and you can start right now.
We are always looking for volunteers to help support us with their time and skills. please contact us for more information on volunteering
Walvis Bay Salt Holdings provides all our children and youth with transport to and from our Centre daily. They also provide some other in-kind means of support. They have supported us for over 25 years.
The Overberg Trust provides monthly support towards our operational costs and they also provide us with fish towards our nutrition programme. They have supported us for over 20 years.
The ELMA Philanthropies provides financial support towards our child welfare and special needs education programmes.
The Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare provides some financial support on a monthly basis towards our child welfare programme.
The Ministry of Health and Social Services provides in-kind through the subsidised use of their premises, as well as subsidised utilities. They also provide human resource support through seconded social work services.
We run 4 broad programmes namely special needs education, therapy, psychosocial support and enterprise development, all of which – especially the first two – are very labour intensive and costly.
People with disabilities or special needs have specific support needs which we aim to meet the best of our ability. These needs may include intensive care, low teacher-student ratio, dietary requirements, special educational or development materials, wheelchairs, physiotherapy / occupational therapy apparatus and the like.
Our programmes also include daily nutrition – two meals per day, weekly – and supplemental development through music, movement, culture and sport.
We are accommodated in a government building and we are extremely grateful for this. The building, however, does not meet the criteria for a school set-up nor for the running of a residential child care facility.
We need a secure perimeter, additional and functional classes and amenities, and of course, the safety of our children and staff is a high priority.
Towards this funding priority, please contact us for more information should you wish to support us on this.
We cannot do what we do without the necessary skilled and experienced management and staff.
Our staff, training and capacity needs range from administrative, educator to occupational / speech and language / physical therapy and the likes, as well as enterprise development, fundraising, occupational health and safety, sustainability etc – all to help us provide the best service and support to our children, youth and families living with disabilities.
An annual external audit is given on request and is done by WBM Chartered Accountants
We provide corporate donors with a donor certificate for taxes.
NPO Registration: 21/95/231 (WO 165)
Office No.:+264 64 203 553
Moses Garoeb Street, 9000 Walvis Bay, Erongo, Namibia